Environcom Net Zero Plan

Environcom recognises that recycling is an energy intensive industry and the UK infrastructure is not yet able to provide the electricity required from renewable sources.

As a key player of the ICER Steering Group, Environcom plays a crucial part in the aim to deliver “Net Zero” for the whole of the E-Waste Industry.
With the support of the Environment Agency and DEFRA, a project began in 2022 to ensure optimum outcomes for the whole industry.

Through targeted projects we have reduced emissions per tonne processed each year, achieving Carbon Neutrality through use of Certified Carbon Credits delivering environmental and social benefits.
The aim is to achieve Net Zero as technologies develop.
Environcom has achieved Carbon Neutrality of all Scope 1 (Transportation) AND Scope 2 (Processing)

Emissions have been neutralised through:
1. Measuring Emissions
2. Targeting projects which reduce emissions of CO2e
3. Purchasing Carbon Credits to offset the balance*

Net Zero will be achieved through
1. Zero emission technologies
2. Removal of Carbon from the atmosphere

*Carbon Credits offer an interim solution as the electricity grid de-carbonises and alternative technologies for transportation are developed