Environcom has recently been acquired by Enva. Please continue to use this website for contact with Environcom while we are in the process of integrating the business. You can read the press release related to this transaction here.

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Reducing waste in today’s society is a huge concern. The future of our planet depends on responsible action today. Join us on our mission to do the right thing with all e-waste and our environment.”

Cris Stephenson - CEO Environcom

Reduce > Reuse > Recycle

Environcom is the largest independent Waste Electrical & Electronic Equipment recycling and reuse business in the UK. It’s our aim to divert 100% of waste otherwise received at landfills by reusing and recycling it.

Demonstrating our commitment to the circular economy, we first reuse all possible appliances, then farm for all usable spares. Only when we are unable to reuse an appliance any further do we compliantly recycle all remaining products.

We fully protect our customers’ reputations by ensuring we manage their e-waste products to the highest ethical and legal standards. Our sites operate under an Environmental Permit from the Environment Agency, our facilities are fully licensed for the treatment of e-waste and we now exceed Government levels for waste processing.

Environcom has contracts with many leading High Street retailers and key Local Authorities across the UK for ethically and responsibly handling their electrical and electronic recycling and reuse requirements.

trade sales

Our dedicated Customer Service Team are here to listen and act upon your trade requirements with outstanding prices to reflect the volume you require.

For more information about Trade Sales
call: 0844 736 0071 or
email: sales@environcom.co.uk

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